Vision Edu Global: International Collaborations

VisionEdu Global brings together the best of mentors, trainers and coaches together on one platform to learn the latest in the field of Education. The platform will connect educators across the globe. Sessions include;

1. Beyond Classroom Walls for Teachers: 3 to 5 days sessions on latest innovation and technology integration

2. Training Beyond Boundaries for Trainers: sessions for aspiring trainers

3. Educational Leadership for School Heads/ Teachers: certificate program for school heads

4. Need Based Trainings for Schools

5. School Improvement and Evaluation: visit to schools and overall and need based evaluations and School Improvement Planning


She Leads: Vision 2030

We support women as entrepreneurs, creators, role models, and leaders. We envision a flourished world in 2030 in which all women have the knowledge and confidence to harness the power of their achievements in economic and personal fulfillment through our distinct program Mashal.


NUH Falcons Vision 2030

We as educational leaders are working in the field of capacity development for Youth. Our signature program Uraan – Youth Leadership Program 2020, aims to enhance the inborn skills and talents of our youth, providing them with the basic tool kit to face the challenges of the future as independent individuals.


Individual Development Program:

Noor ul Huda Education aims to foster a sense of self-actualization among professionals, parents, and youth so that they are able to reach their full potential. The process of self-actualization is different for everyone, and not all individuals achieve all levels of the hierarchy throughout their lives. Becoming self-actualized is not always a straightforward process, and it can take years for some people to reach self-actualization therefore NuH helps professionals to understand this process hence provides sessions to discover inborn capabilities and optimize these to achieve the best in life.

Core Modules of all Trainings:


Leadership module focuses on creating awareness on the strengths of an individual and motivating him/her to lead. We focus on Value Based Leadership for all individuals. We also have a Youth Leadership Program “Uraan” and Strategic Leadership Trainings for teachers to advance in their careers programs as well.

Personal Effectiveness

It is a common goal of nearly everyone in the workplace to reach their full potential both in their career and in life. Sessions of this module are directed towards helping individuals evaluate their own personalities and attitudes and improve them to prosper and achieve success. These include Conflict Management, Confidence building strategies, Improving Personal Self-Esteem, and Managing Resources.

Life Skills Trainings

The aim of practical training is to help students develop skills and abilities for real life situations that support professional studies and prepare them to have hands-on experience when they enter their practical life. These include Study Skills, Self-Management, Time Management, Personality Development, Presentation skills, Academic Writing, English for specific purposes, Writing admission essays, Creating CVs and own profile, Entrepreneurship.

Teacher Training Programmes:

Teacher Training sessions are specially designed to help teachers reflect on their own practices and improve their skills in view of recent innovations and developments in the field of education.

Conscious Parenting Program:

When parents are active participants in their child’s upbringing, the child is more likely to be successful. Parent`s training helps children generalize their skills – taking the skills they are learning in the therapy center to their home, school, and community. These include awareness workshops for parents on child psychology, managing behavior and improving relations with kids, guiding kids for careers and developing skills at home are the part and parcel of our resource pack for this module.


NUH cares about underprivileged people of our society. NUH is trying to play an integral role in reducing socio-economic inequalities and protecting people from various forms of hardship (such as unemployment, hunger and ill health). NUH initiates

Iftar Drive in every Ramzan
Green Pakistan (Plantation)
Health Awareness Session
Educational Expenditure for Needy throughout year
Ration Drives for needy people throughout year